The Art Gallery of Osoyoos exhibition in 2023. Judith Glibbery's shawl and Lynn Bremmer's woven hanging.
2017 - 2027 the unfinished decade
The Guild’s fifth decade started brightly. The annual fall craft fair had record submissions along with record sales in both 2018 and 19. Members also joined a small second craft fair at Leir House in Penticton to sell their products. The Guild’s annual Spin-in's success continued, and the workshop schedule was full with a diverse selection of classes offered. In the fall of 2019, internationally recognized felting artist, Moy McKay came for a workshop. A few short months later the pandemic arrived and all meetings, workshops and classes were suddenly cancelled. Periodic drop-ins started up again in the fall with a few member-led workshops, but everything was subject to change and frequently cancelled as the virus made inroads into the community. When weather permitted, Guild members met outside in local parks and were able to continue contact through a new private facebook page where members posted photos of their recently completed work. The Guild had started a blog ten years before which featured photos of the pieces brought to show and tell, but during the pandemic, social media was needed to fill the gap.
By the fall of the following year, things were getting back to normal (albeit with much hand washing and face masking.) The craft fair returned, and Guild members were getting involved with community events again, joining the Arts Council's open house, yarn bombing and participating in the Worldwide Knit in Public Day.
In 2023 the Guild mounted two exhibitions, the first a mini display at the Oliver Public Library followed by a well received month-long exhibition at the Art Gallery of Osoyoos. The post-pandemic dip in membership made marketing and community outreach once again a priority. To help promote the show in the gallery and encourage new members to join, they created a public facebook page, a new brochure and the following year, a new website (which you're looking at right now.)
The decade's not over yet – there’s more to come before the Guild actually turns 50 years old.
Stephanie Ryan using the rag cutter for weaving rugs 2018
Diane Hood 2017-18-19 Marianne Hutterli 2019-20-21 Patricia Landry 2021-22-23 Wendy Hauk 2023-24-25 So far
Marg Harkness, Barb Levant and Marianne Hutterli having a party at the drop-in 2022
Felting for Beginners workshop in Feb 2020 - last workshop before shut down
Drop-spindle workshop
Guild booth in 2021 at the Oliver Arts and Crafts Fair
Fibre Fun Day October 2024 organized by Judith, Ria and Barb L.
Bonnie Nesbitt and Ivy Michels spinning at the Drop-in
Jan Pinard with her crocheted doll and dog
More partying at the Thursday drop-in 2022
Mike Ryan weaving on a rigid heddle loom while Jan MacLeod looks on
A particularly tense moment during the great name change debate of 2024 with l-r Patricia Landry, Past-President, Wendy Hauk, President and Jan MacLeod, Secretary